Sociedad Musical "San Juan Bautista" de Loriguilla

The San Juan Bautista Music Association can trace its beginnings back to 1984 when the Loringuilla Town Council hired Miguel Martín Arastey to start teaching music in the Town Hall meeting room. The Band was created in 1986, a product of the effort and enthusiasm of all its members, and particularly that of its founding president, Asensio Cervera Cervera.
The Band's 37 members gave their first concert in 1987. In 1989 the Band was hired to perform at the Plaza Patraix Falla; today they play at the Grabador Esteve-Cirilo Amorós Falla. The Band has taken part in band meetings in Serranía, Villar del Arzobispo and Alcublas, and the Moors and Christians festivities in Godella, Paterna and Manises. The many other events it has attended include the local festivals of Villaviciosa (Asturias) and Yunquera de Henares (Guadalajara), and numerous performances in the Valencia Bull Ring.
Currently Fermín Cañete Rodríguez is the Band's President and Rodrigo García Navarro is its Director.
Our Music Association is a living, active organization. Its Board of Directors and Wind Band, with the help of all the Association's members and supporters, work tirelessly to raise the Band's prestige as much as possible. One product of these efforts is the international wind band exchange we took part in this summer in Morro d'Alba in Italy. We were also invited to give various concerts of Spanish music in Staffolo and Serra di Conti.
Rodrigo García Navarro
Rodrigo García Navarro was born in Chiva, where he began studying music with the Music Association, specializing in the oboe. He studied in the Professional and Superior Conservatories of Valencia with Jesús Fuster and Francisco Salanova, where he received his teaching qualifications with excellent grades and the Superior Diploma in Music Teaching in Oboe.
He studied Piano and later Orchestra Direction.
He gave music classes at the Ramón y Cajal High School in Albacete, and taught Chamber Music and Oboe at the Public Professional Conservatories of Astorga, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Orense. In Orense he also directed the Conservatory Band. He also taught Orchestra at the Catarroja Public Professional Conservatory.
He works with professional ensembles, playing the oboe and cor anglais.
He completed advanced courses in Oboe, Performance, Teaching and Orchestra Direction with teachers such as Miquel Rodrigo, Luís Sanjaime, Fernando Bonete, Enrique García Asensio and Jorma Panula.
In 2008 he was awarded the title of Orchestra Director from the Valencia Superior Conservatory of Music, where he was taught by Manuel Galduf and César Cano, among others.
He was commissioned by the council culture department to compose "Imagen y recuerdo" for chamber ensemble, and "Ensoñación, despertar y anhelo", among others.
He directed the premier of compositions at the "Mostra Sonora 2007" International Contemporary Music Festival. From 2009 to 2012 he directed the Montroy "S.M. L'Armonía". He directed the "Salvador Giner" Orchestra, the "Perla Rusa de Moscú" Symphony Orchestra, the Flute Orchestra of the Valencia Superior Conservatory of Music and the Berlin "Philarmonisches Kammerorchester".
He is currently the Director of the "S.M. San Juan Bautista de Loriguilla" and the Band of the "C.I.M. de Benimaclet". He belongs to the Ministry of Education's body of music teaching staff as a substitute teacher. He teaches Orchestra at the Requena Professional Conservatory. |